In partnership with the chemical industry, Hexion is an advocate for using sound science in evaluating the safety of chemicals and as a basis for regulatory matters.
The American Chemistry Council's (ACC) Formaldehyde Panel has developed many tools to highlight the many advancements in construction materials and methods due in large part to the chemistry of formaldehyde. The ACC site on formaldehyde has a wealth of useful information, graphics and digital tools.
Formacare is the formaldehyde sector group of the European Chemical Industry Council (Cefic) that promotes the safe use and manufacturing of formaldehyde in accordance with strict health and safety regulations. Formacare cooperates with the ACC.
A great resource to learn more about the chemistry in the products we rely on every day, the Chemicalsafetyfacts.org site provides volumes of information on the how and why particular chemicals are used in different products and health and safety information about these chemicals.