Dear Customer:
Hexion Inc. (“Hexion”) strives to be your global partner of choice for specialty chemicals and materials. We’re committed to operating our facilities safely, being good stewards of the communities in which we operate, and continuing to develop the innovative product solutions you’ve come to expect from Hexion. It’s all part of our commitment to Responsible Chemistry.
With ever increasing attempts by outside parties to breach sensitive data, Hexion is continually adapting to the latest threats and strategically investing in its information technology infrastructure. Our goal is to regularly and responsibly strengthen our defenses to maintain the trust you’ve placed in us. It’s part of our ongoing cyber security commitment to you as our valued partner.
One step we are taking to improve security, is ensuring you are aware of what to expect in communications from Hexion. Key points are:
We will communicate with you well in advance of any potential changes to your account. Please be suspicious of anyone that you do not know contacting you that claims to be with Hexion regarding any “immediate changes” that seem inherently unreasonable.
Please check any emails closely to ensure that they come from name@hexion.com without any additional characters. Please be aware that bad actors can “spoof” email addresses. We urge you to be on the lookout for suspicious signs – e.g. communications from non-Hexion e-mail addresses (e.g. from a yahoo.com address); poor use of English; and requests for money. If you are ever unsure, please reach out to a known contact via phone, or contact us via the numbers provided at http://www.hexion.com/company/contact/.
Unfortunately, Hexion’s name and identity may be used fraudulently by bad actors. In as much as we sympathize with anyone who is taken advantage of, or who has lost money in this way, Hexion does not accept any responsibility for such fraudulent actions.
In the unfortunate situation that there is a security issue impacting your data, we will strive to take immediate action to remediate the situation and update you as soon as possible in a transparent manner.
At Hexion, Responsible Chemistry means acting responsibly and taking prudent steps to safeguard your data. We appreciate the opportunity to serve you. Thank you.