Hexion has a strong history of driving improvements in our energy, water and waste intensities and recently upgraded our energy, water and waste management program to reach all sites.
In 2020, we completed 52 improvement projects across the globe to reduce our footprint in these critical areas. We also held sessions at 23 sites identifying about 125 actionable projects that could further improve our energy and water intensity and reduce waste generation. As our success is driven by our associates, we have included associates at all levels in these ideation sessions, expanded our employee engagement through improved communication of our climate change efforts, provided materials and training around our sustainability efforts and upgraded our key metrics platform so our associates are better equipped to identify and drive improvements.
Water is a critical natural resource as well as essential to our industrial plants which use water as an ingredient in products, for process cooling and for the production of steam. Our productivity and operation teams continually evaluate projects to efficiently use natural resources and optimize our existing processes such as reducing overall water usage or allowing for recycling of wastewater in lieu of fresh water. Hexion has also committed to performing a water risk assessment for our sites located in water distressed areas during 2021.