Hexion Inc. ("Hexion") is a member of the American Chemistry Council (ACC). As a member of the ACC, Hexion is committed to the principles outlined under the ACC's ® program As a global company with worldwide operations, Hexion is also committed to the International Council of Chemicals Association (ICCA) Global Responsible Care core principles as outlined in the Responsible Care Global Charter.
In 2016, Hexion achieved recertification by the ACC Responsible Care® Management System. After two audit cycles, eight locations have been audited successfully. The Company’s headquarters in Columbus, Ohio, was audited and received certification.
Hexion sites have achieved 80 safety, quality and energy management designations globally.
Hexion’s Responsible Care® Management System continues to evolve and expand with several actions implemented:
In addition, the American Chemistry Council (ACC) recently unveiled a set of industry-wide Sustainability Principles, which articulate our contributions to sustainability, as well as our commitment to advancing safe, innovative, effective chemical products, materials and technologies that are essential to a sustainable future.
These principles align with Hexion’s efforts to contribute to sustainability, today and in the future with responsible chemistry.
2018 ACC Responsible Care Awards
Operating in an ethical manner is the foundation for ensuring Hexion complies with the letter and the spirit of the law. Learn more about Hexion's code of business ethics. Hexion's Code of Business Ethics provides guidelines on the high standards of integrity and the conduct expected of every associate.
The Hexion Board of Directors is ultimately responsible for the implementation of the respective Codes. The General Counsel of Hexion serves as our Compliance Officer to assist in the administration the Codes.
We are also committed to engagement and feedback from the public and other stakeholders. Any comments regarding our operations can also be directed to the Compliance Officer at complianceofficer@hexion.com or by contacting us at:
Compliance Officer
Attn. Hexion General Counsel
180 E. Broad St.
Columbus, OH 43215
(614) 225-4000
All suspected violations of Hexion's Code of Business Ethics will be investigated. All communications, complaints and concerns will be received and processed by our Compliance Officer.
Responsible Care® is a registered trademark of the American Chemistry Council.
Hexion is a member of the American Chemistry Council (ACC). As a member of the ACC, Hexion is committed to the principles outlined under the ACC's ® program. As a global company with worldwide operations Hexion is also committed to the International Council of Chemicals Association (ICCA) Global Responsible Care core principles as outlined in the Responsible Care Global Charter.
Two programs and 13 facilities at Hexion were named Responsible Care® award winners and honored in 2020 for excellence in waste minimization and energy efficiency by the American Chemistry Council (ACC)
The ACC announced the Hexion awards at its virtual 2021 Responsible Care and Sustainability Conference & Expo. These awards relate to the following projects:
Waste Minimization Category: Springfield, Oregon: In 2019, Hexion’s Springfield site was able to reduce wash water disposal (and freshwater usage) by 95 percent of disposal volumes over the previous year. After analyzing water usage, the facility identified all sources of wash water, potential receptors for wash water and efficiencies to consume wash water. Once identified, designs and modifications were implemented to existing process equipment to store, blend and beneficially use wash water as a raw material to partially replace freshwater makeup.
Energy Efficiency Award: Morganton, North Carolina: Hexion’s Morganton facility upgraded its process unit for air pollution control (thermal oxidizer) in 2017. The facility did not experience the expected increase in natural gas usage efficiency. As a result, a team was assembled to troubleshoot the issue with the objective of reducing natural gas consumption. The team used a combination of engineering fundamentals, statistical data analysis, mechanical knowledge, and supplier application support to reduce natural gas consumption and improved total site gas efficiency by 13.8 percent per million BTU/pound compared to the previous year.
Facility Safety Award – ACC presents these awards to member companies with significant achievements in employee health and safety performance. In total, 13 of the Company’s sites received the ‘Excellent’ distinction: Acme NC, Alexandria LA, Argo IL, Deer Park TX, Diboll TX, Fayetteville NC, Geismar TX, Hope AR, La Grande OR, Louisville KY, Missoula MO, Moreau NY, Springfield OR.